Thursday, November 4, 2010


Restaurant interview: Manners are very important, more than what you may think. Do not drink. Don't allow the conversation to become too personal.
Technical Interview: When they want to find out about your ability in a particular technique.
Hiring Interview: The last in a series of interviews. May be on phone. Be ready with questions about salary, benefits, perks,...You don't have to tell them a definitive answer: you can tell them that you are thrilled but you nee to ask a few questions to your families,...OR: May I have some time to evaluate my options?...I hope you understand that I have explored other possibilities and I still have not heard from my other chances....
If you are in a rush and you have already taken an interview, you can call them and ask them if they can give you an idea about how long you have to wait to hear from them.
Preparing for interviews:
Know everything you can about the organization, the culture, future trends, interviewers, future boss.
Understand competition, challenges, innovation in the field global implications, ranking.
Develop good questions based upon research.
Be ready to discuss salary: if not quoted in job announcement- research salary surveys, know your personal minimum:
- (muy general)
- Databases to know the salary at different categories, at different research institutions.
- Some organizations have this online (government), the minimum salary.
Is always good to talk about ranks than about exact amounts.
Take into consideration that salaried vary a lot in different cities.
Ask about tuition benefits.
Be able to articulate why you are qualified.
Prepare yourself:

  • Fell confident: you were selected for the interview
  • know where you will park, travel time
  • Dress appropriately- err on the side of conservative and formal. Suit, matching.
  • Practice difficult questions
  • Review applications materials, questions will come from your letter, CV, resume.
  • Get sufficient sleep, eat before interview.
  • Schedule a mock interview with the PDO. You can schedule it with them.
  • Don't handle CV or summaries unless they ask you for one. If so, you can give them to them if you have them available or send them by email later.
Types of interviews styles:
- Formal: all business, no chit chat.
- Informal: more relaxed, interested in getting to know you.
- Scripted: set of questions used for all applicants. May be more equitable to compare or rank applicants.

In a panel interview you can ask them the identities of the people who are going to be part of the panel.

Standard: She handled a paper from NIH. You can also find it at:
Open ended (not necessarily a right questions. They just want to get you talking so that they get  to know about your personality)
Behavioral questions: they are intended to see how you have behaved in the past and how you would react to different situations. They may also ask you about how you have handled a difficult relationship with a co-worker. They can ask you if there is anything that you regret.

If they ask you about your weakness, tell them about something that is not too serious and that you have overcome.

Concepts/ terms: Transferrable skills (basic skills, writing skills,...).

Salary discussion and negotiations

Know your worth and your requirements
Never raise the subject of salary. The longer you wait to talk about this, the longer your interviewer has to get to know you.
If asked for salary requirements:

  1. Consider asking: would you mind telling me the range you have in mind?
  2. Consider saying: do you mind if we have this conversation after i know more about the position and you know more about my abilities.
For negotiating you can say: Can you ask if the is more flexibility in the salary? Don't be afraid of doing it, the interviewers expect it.

YOu can talk about retirement, bonus, health care, additional perks, flexible work hours, paid parking.

After interview:
-Make notes about what went well or bad. You will learn.
-Always write thank yo notes. Email is acceptable. Mail is impressive.
-Plan next steps if you are interested in job:
   - Call or write after a week or so if you do not hear from them.
   - Reiterate your interest.

- Ask your references for permission to use them.
- Use only academic or employment references- not personal or social ones.
- Prepare a separate page using the heading from your resume or CV.
- Give 3-5 references
- Help references help you by keeping them informed of your job search and when they may be contacted- and say thank you!

You can guide them a little bit by telling them what you want to work for and the things that you think may be emphasized. Give them a little script.


Format: REferences for_____
Mailing address

By Audrey Trapp

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Planes verdes en la intersesion

Cursos Intersession


PH International Health
Provides an overview of non-allopathic (complementary, alternative, indigenous, and traditional) medical systems. Discusses the basis for defining and classifying the domains of non-allopathic systems. Reviews the history of these medical approaches. The nature of scientific evidence and a survey of the effectiveness of these modalities will be provided. Chinese, Ayurvedic, Tibetan, and homeopathic practitioners will provide case studies and a discussion of the philosophy and methods of their systems. Students will be able to integrate the knowledge of these systems into their health care practices. 

01-18-2011 to 01-21-2011 | MTWThF 01:30 PM - 05:30 PM | East Baltimore Campus

420.633.06 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 
Jones, J. 
Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00 pm; 01/04 - 01/18 
Thursday 6:00 - 9:00 pm; 01/06 - 01/20 
Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 pm; 01/08 - 01/22 
This is a videoconferenced course.  The instructor will be in DC.

Planes verdes de la semana


  • Biodiversity class.


  • Seminario.

  • Dr. Jackie Grebmeier-University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. "Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Response in the Pacific Arctic"

  • Excursion de la clase de conservation.